“The principle or motherhood is as vast and powerful as the universe. With the power of motherhood within her, a mother can influence the entire world.”


Indian culture lays a lot of emphasis on the deep emotional bond between mothers and their children. To honour this beautiful bond shared between the Mother and children Matru Puja was celebrated in Amrita Vidyalayam on 18th July, 2023.

Matru puja was performed by the students of class VII under the guidance of our administrator Brni. Sharanyamrita Chaitanyaji. Program started with Guru paduka puja along with chanting of 108 sacred names of Amma. Brni. Sharanyamritaji enlightened the audience about Matru Panchakam – Salutation to Mother by Adi Shankaracharya. She also advised that children should obey their mother’s as her advice will have good intentions and will be for the betterment of her children.

She then guided the students to perform Matru Puja. As a part of the ceremony, the children washed the feet of their mothers and then applied chandan and kumkum. The children garlanded their mothers and took their blessings. The mothers, in turn, blessed their children by kissing them on the forehead and hugging them. This wonderful moment was made even sweeter by the children feeding sweets to their mothers.

The moment was made more spiritual by singing few Bhajans by Brni. Sharanyamritaji and teachers. Aarti was performed by the teachers. Around 100 mothers participated in this puja along with their children.

The program ended with the chanting of the Shanti Mantra. Everybody offered flowers at the Guru Paduka and received prasad from Sharanyamritaji and took her blessings.

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