“The art of relaxation brings out the power that exists within you; through relaxation, you can experience your infinite capabilities” – Amma.

We are pleased to announce the launch of 9-9-9 Challenge, an initiative of the Integrated Holistic Healthcare – an official working group of the C20. This challenge seeks to demonstrate the vital impact of yoga and meditation in our lives.

This Challenge was taken up as Yagna by the Class VII students of Amrita Vidyalayam under the guidance of Brni. Sharanyamrita Chaitanya.

The 9-9-9 Challenge includes:

1. Perform 9 rounds of Surya Namaskar

2. Followed by 9 mins of World Peace Meditation

3. Commit to doing this daily for 9 days

The students took up this challenge for 9 days which benefited them in building awareness which is vital to lead a meaningful life. #C20 #999challenge #suryanamaskar&meditation


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