Amrita Vidyalayam, Juinagar organized an “Orientation Programme” for the 11th standard students on 20/6/18. The very purpose of this programme was to familiarize our school culture to the students and allay fears among them.
Continuing with the proud tradition, the programme started with the prayer and lamp lighting followed by the welcome address. The students were formally welcomed into the Amrita Vidyalayam family.
The programme started by a speech by Hon’ble Swamiji. While delivering the speech on the occasion, he said that “it was not the events, but the attitude that cause success”.

Teachers’ introduced themselves to the students and guided them to be more confident in their path. Respected Principal Brni. Rekha delivered a speech in which she stressed the importance of discipline in students’ life through a beautiful story. The need of the hour is for every student to possess 5 important qualities such as constant effort, focus, awareness, being conscious and careful about the inputs that we take from various senses of oneself and lastly coming out of our comfort zone.

The wonderful programme concluded with a vote of thanks and Shanti Mantra. Sweets were distributed to the students.

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