The Transport Committee meeting was held at Amrita Vidyalayam, Juinagar on 31/7/19 which was attended by Principal Brni. Rekha, RTO Area Officer Mr. Rahul Gawde, PSI Mr. More, and Mr. Salve from Turbhe Traffic Department and members of the Transport Committee.
All the documents pertaining to the school (Insurance, Registration, Fitness and Tax) were checked and the officers confirmed that they were all in order. Bus drivers were called and their licenses and badges were checked by the officers and were found to be in order. The drivers were strictly advised to not jump signals and maintain a safe speed limit to ensure safety of children.
The officers congratulated the school for bagging the 2nd prize the ‘ Swachh Sarvekshan’ competition conducted by NMMC and were thrilled to see the greenery surrounding the school campus.
The officers also interacted with our 10th graders on road safety and advised them on the guidelines laid down by the RTO with regards to driving 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers and urged the students to drive only after a license is acquired. They also spoke about road safety precautions to be followed by all which included; crossing the roads only at a zebra crossing, wearing seat belts, and travelling safe while using public transport.
Our students presented a skit called “Hamari Suraksha Hamaare Haath” before the officials, in which a hard hitting message was conveyed in a fun manner using parodies of Hindi songs aptly sung to showcase the various incidents that occur during driving such as the perils of helmet less driving, drunk driving, distractions caused by mobiles while driving and the need to give way to an ambulance at all times. They used banners which contained meaningful slogans to drive home the above precautions.
Principal Brni. Rekha thanked the officials for their time to interact with the students.

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