Amrita leap, themed as “Education for life”, is a unique workshop; on personality development was catalogued for the students of classes 8 to 10 on 11th February 2023 at Amrita Vidyalayam. The main objective of the workshop was to teach the children to refine their personality.
The workshop commenced with the lighting of the lamp and prayer. Introduction of the resource team was given by the principal Ms Anupama Rao. Further our administrator Brni. Sharnayamrita Chaitanya and primary Head Mistress Ms Monika Sularia extended the warm welcome and gratitude to the team.
Brni. Sharnayamrita Chaitanya sensitized our students about Amrita leap program and guided them on importance of Education for life and education for living and how it can be imbibed in the school. She narrated an example from life of Swami Vivekananda where he used his wisdom and faced the challenge with intelligence.
Ms. Anjali and Ms. Aishwarya resource person’s from Amrita Leap then took the workshop forward with a few icebreakers that helped students to understand the team work, concentration, holding our concentration. Also when we are working body, mind needs to be in co-ordination.
Commencing further the resource person Mr. Arjun Rajeev explained the two types of education which is education for life and education for living, explain education for life is a pathway along with education for living. The students were actively involved in the interactive session. He emphasized by showing a few videos depicting how gadgets are ruling and ruining our lives and minds.
He explained the law of diminishing marginal utility, stating it’s the mind that we need to work on rather than possessing material things.
He explained mind can be controlled through focus, memory, and habit.
The next resource person Mr. Vivek Vijayan with the help of a presentation explained how to make our mind calm, to know that happiness lies inside and not outside, learning appreciating instead of being jealous of others. To memorize, we need to create mind maps or visualize to make learning easier and simpler. He said to cultivate a habit we need to practice it for 21 days and practicing it for 90 days would change our lifestyle.
In the second half of the session the students were divided into two groups and games were conducted where the students learnt the leadership qualities, competitiveness, learning from our own failures, facing setbacks of life as learning lessons and not building blocks.
The Amrita LEAP programme helped children develop their personalities while also raising their spirits through fun activities.
The Students truly enjoyed the whole program planned by the facilitators.