Amrita Vidyalayam, Juinagar (w), Navi Mumbai managed by Mata Amritanandamayi Math, celebrated its 17th Annual Day function on December 21, 2017. The Annual Function was graced by the Chief Guest Shri Jaywant D Sutar, Mayor, NMMC. Br Avyayamrita Chaitanya, in-charge Mata Amritanadamayi Math, Nerul and Brni. Pavanamrita Chaitanya, Principal, Amrita Vidyalayam School, Pune was also present. It was aptly named ‘Samarpan’, as students across Pre Primary to grade 12 offered gratitude to their parents and teachers. The event tugged the hearts of many parents who were left enthralled with the spectacular performance of their children.
The Annual Report, which was a crisp presentation by Brni Rekha N, Principal, Amrita Vidyalayam took the parents through an audio-visual account of the accolades won by the students and the multitude of events and activities in which the students participated during the course of the current academic year.
The Mayor spoke highly on the notable charitable work conducted by the Math and heaped praises on the school for providing holistic education to the millennial generation and also imparting value education to its students. He also appreciated the school’s vision in empowering the children to meet life’s challenges by undertaking various initiatives to inculcate in them a sense of social responsibility.
The Annual Magazine ‘Amritanidhi’ was released by the Chief Guest. Certificates and medals were awarded to students who excelled in academics and extra-curricular activities including sports.
The programme concluded with the rendition of the National Anthem and Shanthi Mantra.