Dr. Jayakar Ellis, the Founder President of Heart Foundation was kind enough to select Amrita Vidyalayam, Juinagar as one of the schools with an aim to spread awareness amongst students about the current situation of wildlife in our country and the role of student ambassadors in preserving and conserving the Mother Earth. The session was conducted for the students of classes 5th to 8th. The workshop started with a prayer after which, Principal Brni. Rekha introduced the esteemed speaker and the various activities of the Foundation.
Dr. Jayakar inspired and educated the students in a thrilling and humorous manner by captivating the attention of the students and keeping them glued to the topic. By comparing Mother Earth to one’s mother, the students were able to introspect on how our attitude should be towards nature: empathetic and loving. The cycle of destruction of nature begins with humans when we carelessly strew plastic that finally end up in the oceans, which in turn affects the lives of marine life and the rampant deforestation and poaching of animals which has lead to the extinction of many species. The destruction of animal habitat will wipe out forests and will eventually impact human life. These thoughts sensitized the students about how one can love and care for nature and also extend the same towards animals. Students were also made to realize that the immediate future will consist of humans breathing through holding oxygen masks if the increasing carbon footprint is not checked.
A brilliant documentary featuring the declining glaciers which impact polar bears, green house effect on gorillas and the impact of plastics on marine animals was shown, which created awareness among the students about various factors that contribute in systematically destroying the green cover of the earth. The highly engaging question answer session saw students quick to answer the tricky questions posed by the speaker. They were also keen to know how they can individually contribute towards nurturing the earth and a simple solution said it all – ”offer plant saplings as birthday gifts”. Students were also informed about Eco Achievers Olympiad to be held in the coming months and students desirous of participating were asked to register.

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