“Children can act as peer educators “ . This message sent out a strong sense of responsibility in today’s morning assembly when Mr. Anurag Awasthi, National Coordinator for Caring Souls Foundation (CASOF) addressed the students from 1st to 12th grades.
Mr. Awasthi was thankful to be invited by the School’s management to address this group of around 1500 students on “Lifestyle changes for combating cancer”- a topic which will educate us on the life threatening consequences of cancer and how to combat this disease by simple lifestyle changes. A lifestyle which is thriving on consumption of junk food and is devoid of exercise. He firstly spoke of the advantage of addressing young students as they will be the change agents for such a transformation to happen in their families Speaking on types of cancer, he explained in detail about gene mutations in human bodies that can cause cancer apart from the deadly effects of smoking cigarettes and chewing gutkha. With the help of case studies, he was able to emphasize the need to plant more trees which is the only way to increase the oxygen level in our surroundings.
The second important point that he stressed upon being the easy lifestyle that the current generation has adapted itself to. Fast moving junk foods which contain artificial colors, mawa and saturated oils only deplete the immunity quotient from our bodies. More sunshine, exercise and home made healthy foods must be prioritized as they will contribute towards building a healthy body. The harmful effects of chemicals present in fruits and vegetables where ample use of pesticides is used was shared by Mr. Awasthi with the help of research studies that proved how cancerous these chemicals are and how careful one must be while biting into raw fruits.
Lastly, he urged the students to adapt a lifestyle which was followed by and is still seen in the many villages of India, which is simple living and eating homemade food.